No stages, no poses, no rigid smiles.
You are about to experience seamless photography.
Capturing real-life moments can be complex, especially when you’ve been planning your event or session for months in advance. But how do you make it feel real and honest?
It all comes down to experience - and after 20+ years photographing memories, knowing when and how is what I do best to get that feeling frozen in time.

A snapshot of my work:
My photographs have been captured in Guatemala, USA, Italy, Spain, Dominican Republic and El Salvador.
Featured in Vogue Novias
20+ years EXPERIENCE
“Siendo siempre fiel a su propio estilo, logró encajarlo perfectamente con el mío y lo que yo me imaginaba para ese día.”
“Capturaste demasiado bien todos los momentos!! Lo volví a vivir y a gozar todo otra vez!!! Gracias por meterle tanto a amor y cariño a tu trabajo.”
“La cantidad de risas y amor que pudo capturar nos hacen revivir ese día y apreciar momentos que no sabíamos que existían, todo a través de las fotos.”
Professional photography that feels timeless & natural

Mariann Bruderer
I am a professional photographer obsessed with telling visualsMy mission is to give you the essence of your core memories so you can re-live them whenever you’d like to. I truly believe that documenting the moments that make you feel [most] alive is what inspires you to cherish your loved ones and keep them close.
The feelings are already there, I have the great privilege of capturing them and framing them for you.
“Nunca pensé que iba a ver tanto mi álbum de bodas”
“Cuando me casé, compré el paquete que incluía el álbum de bodas impreso y no me canso de recomendárselo a futuras novias. A la fecha, incluso es el libro favorito de mi hija porque le encanta ver y conocer más de la historia de sus papás. Para mí, mis fotos de boda son como revivir esa noche tan especial” - Irene Andrade
If the words timeless, natural, and effortless resonate with your idea of professional photography, let’s work together to document your memories.